Curb Appeal

There are three magic words that will make your home sell quickly and at the highest possible price. The first is location, for sure, but a close second is “curb appeal.” While you can’t exactly wave a magic wand to make your front yard and home exterior look better instantly, you can tackle these projects…

Raise the Roof

The life expectancy of your asphalt shingled roof depends on factors that include roof design and the climate you live in, as well as the quality of installation and long-term care and maintenance.The expected life of a roof covering depends on many variables including: Asphalt Shingle Quality: Type, quality, thickness, shingle design and rating of…

Hello Beautiful

There used to be a time when granite was the only word you’d hear from home owners fantasizing about dream kitchens. With their classic elegance and good resale value, it’s no wonder granite countertops have reigned at the top of home design wish lists. Until now. Turns out, more designers are turning to another material for kitchen counters:…

Electrical Fire Prevention

According to the Canadian National Fire Information Database, electrical failures or malfunctions cause an average of almost 50,000 home fires per year, resulting in roughly 450 deaths and $1.5 billion in direct property damage.   Most of these happen during winter months due to increased use of heating, appliances and lights. Here are the 5 most common…

Colour of the Year!

It’s the best time of the year . . . Pantone’s Colour of the Year has been announced! (What, did you think we were going to say “the holidays”?) On the heels of last year’s slightly controversial colour, a bright yellow-green called Greenery, comes yet another difficult-to-decorate-with pick: Ultra Violet. As in a bold, blue-tinged purple hue…