The start of summer is filled with a lot of activity (think beach days and BBQ nights), and sometimes Father’s Day can wind up getting lost in the bustle of warmer weather and freedom. But Father’s Day is right around the corner, which means it’s time to start crafting a list of things to thank your father for on Father’s Day.
For some, it’s easy to think of fathers simply as authority figures; the guy who kept you in line during your teen years. But your Dad is so much more than that, and he deserves all the thanks. From healing broken hearts to teaching you how to change tires to some of the smaller things you’ve probably forgotten over the years, Dads do a lot for their children and deserve recognition. So this year, why not take a moment to thank dear old Dad for all the things you should have thanked him for years ago.
- Giving Advice (Even The Unsolicited Stuff)
Dads have a tendency to unload years and years of advice on you, even when you don’t ask for it. But as an adult, you look back on all of those times your Dad sat you down to give you his take on a situation, and you appreciate it. Be sure to show your gratitude for all of the sage wisdom he’s passed along to you over the years.
- Dishing Out Tough Love About The Tough Stuff
Along with giving advice, Dad was also no stranger to distributing tough love when it came down to it. Sometimes tough love is exactly what you needed, even if you couldn’t see it at the time. He believed in your potential, and just wanted you to live up to it. That tough love may have felt a little tough while it was being given, but it was love nonetheless.
- Telling Corny Dad Jokes
The countless Dad jokes that came out of your father’s mouth while you were growing up weren’t for nothing. The next time your Dad shares one of his corniest jokes with you, thank him for it instead of rolling your eyes. It’ll keep the corny jokes coming, and it’ll please him to know that you’ve loved them all along.
- Not Freaking Out Over Your First Traffic Violation
When you got your first ticket, he didn’t ground you or take away the car. He just made you pay the fine yourself, and made you promise to be more careful.
- Teaching You How To Negotiate
Whether it was with chores, allowance, or sleepovers, your Dad taught you the art of bartering, and you took that lesson and ran with it. Thanks to him, you know never to settle for the first offer and to always negotiate. Because if you don’t ask, you’ll never know.
- Sharing Music
Remember the first time you discovered your favourite Rolling Stones tune? Thank your Dad for sharing his record collection with you, even if it took you 10 or 15 years to truly appreciate it.
- Being Your Personal Chauffeur For Years
Rides to and from school, swim practice, sleepovers, the mall — your Dad did it all with a smile on his face. Thank him for those early mornings and late nights where he played chauffeur for you.
- Doing His Best To Keep Up With Your Ever Changing Friend Drama
Whether you were speaking directly to your Dad or he was eavesdropping on your late night conversations, he did his best to keep up with exactly who you were friends with, and why, and when.
- The Countless Loans He Provided
Whether it was five bucks to chase the ice cream truck down the street or something more sizable, your Dad was always there with a loan. And you rarely paid him back. Thank him for all those micro-loans over the years, he’ll appreciate the gesture. Because it’s the thought that counts…right?
- Giving You Good Genes
Even though those genes might have passed along your innate ability to grow facial or leg hair faster than any scientist to make sense of, they also passed along some pretty solid traits.
- Supporting You Through It All
One of the simplest things to thank your father for is his unwavering support for you throughout the years. Regardless of the decisions you’ve made, the questionable partners you’ve brought home, the numerous times you’ve forgotten to call — your Dad continues to support you. And you should be grateful for that.
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